
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Upcoming Crash

The markets are beginning to show telltale signs of pessimism and fear. Participants are beginning to respect the fact that economies are shrinking all over the world. GDPs are hitting historic lows. There's a lot of liquidity in the market. Unemployment is on the rise, and whatever employment exists is severely skewed towards IT and its support. There have been talks of a crash or a dead cat bounce since the bullish reversal that happened a few months back. Naysayers always exist, and people are always happy when their predictions are on point. What does all this mean to the average Jane/Joe in the market? Or the average Janoe? Depends how long you can wait. If you're young and invested in the market, hold. This is all just noise. If you're planning to retire any time soon, now would be a great time to sell and go on a vacation, if you want to enjoy all the money you've accumulated throughout the years. It's all a matter of perspective really. Markets are almost al...

Assessment Year

 The fact that the AY begins on April 1st shows that filing taxes is just an elaborate April Fools joke.

What makes you unique?

I hope to program myself one day and distribute multiple copies across the globe, so I can share my uniqueness with everyone. I like paradoxes.

How I got a 21% return on investment by investing in the NSE equity market without any experience

The coronavirus has affected all of our lives adversely in some way or another, unless you've been living under a rock of course. In which case I'd advise you to go back and stay there. Attain nirvana or something. Anyways, one thing the virus has taught a lot of people is the need for financial awareness. We've seen a wave of amateur retail investors in the equities market booking nice profits. I was lucky enough to be one of these people. I remember the first day I opened my demat account and threw all my life savings into the most random list of companies. I had a 20-spread portfolio and was proud of what I'd done, even though I was completely clueless about the financials of those companies. I started the game as a reckless gambler out of sheer boredom. Based on a bunch of videos and articles I read, I came to the conclusion that holding was the way to go. So I held this through red and green for about 2 months. Meanwhile I kept learning more about the markets onlin...

How to send a file from a Node.js server with axios using FormData

Sending a file from a server as a request to another server.  Seems like a pretty common scenario. If the file is large, I consider it an anti-pattern most of the time, but there are cases when there is no better choice. Especially if the top management in your 'agile' team are just concerned about delivering a product to the client asap without considering the possible issues that would arise from not compressing such huge payloads, let alone allotting developers in the team the time to solve such problems. But this post isn't a rant about how several 'certified' practitioners of agile methods apply the opposite of the patterns they were supposed to have learnt. Without further ado, let's begin. Axios  is a popular promise based HTTP client. When sending a file like a pdf as a request to another server which might expect the file in the files array of the request, you will also have to use FormData , which does not have native support in Node.js. Here's a s...

Back in the game

 Been a while since I last posted here. Planning to journal things I find particularly interesting in my daily routine. Let's see where this goes.